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The programme has increased the opportunity for learners to improve their marks post the national matriculation examinations.
Find out moreThe Incubator programme enables organisations to sponsor selected learners at under-resourced schools in the communities...
Find out moreAn accredited learnership programme is a valuable opportunity for individuals to build upon their existing skills and experience...
Find out moreOur Aim & Purpose is to equip people with the skills and knowledge they require to be functional and resourceful in the workplace.
Find out moreWe are ranks among the top ten feeder schools to various tertiary institutions.
Our aims is to build a stronger South African community by meeting the country’s literacy and education needs through the provision of an easy-access, high-value and high-impact learning experience, as stated in our original vision and mission.
Read MoreRead some of the testimonials and success stories of our alumni.
Real people who have studied through Star Schools and have
become great achievers in the working place.